§ MR. M'CARTAN (Down, S.)asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether his attention has been called to a paragraph in The Belfast Morning News of the 15th instant, 1471 in which it is stated that processes of ejectments had been, on the previous Saturday, served on about 70 tenants of "The Seven Townlands," near Dun-drum, County Down, on the estate of the Trustee of the Marquess of Downshire; whether any reduction of rent was offered to these tenants; whether any of the tenants so sued owe more than one year's rent; and. if so, how many; and, whether, having regard to these and other cases where the tenants are sued for rent which they cannot pay, the Government will bring in a provisional measure to empower the Judges to adjourn ejectment proceedings for the recovery of rent, pending legislation on the subject?
§ THE CHIEF SECRETARY (Mr. A. J. BALFOUR) (Manchester, E.)My attention has not been called to the paragraph except by the hon. Member's Question. I do not think it part of my duty to inquire into the particulars of special transactions between landlords and tenants. Certain of the proposals which the Government have to make in reference to land in Ireland will be brought into the House of Lords on Thursday nest, when hon. Members will have an opportunity of satisfying a curiosity which I admit to be legitimate.