§ MR. T. M. HEALY (Longford, N.)asked Mr. Attorney General for Ireland, Is it the fact that he went down special to the Omagh Winter Assizes to prose-cute the two Walkers for the murder of the soldier and policeman at Belfast; is it intended to send any special counsel to prosecute them in Belfast at the forthcoming trials; was the report correct that Judge Lawson, on the trial of one of the prisoners, refused to accept a verdict of manslaughter which the jury brought in; and, as he specially prosecuted in this case himself at Omagh, has he given any special instructions with regard to the course of the prosecution in Belfast? I desire also to ask the right hon. and learned Gentleman, was it by his directions that an additional bill was sent up in the case to the Grand Jury of Antrim at the present Assizes, although a bill had been found by the Tyrone Grand Jury; and, if it is the practice, when a bill is found at the Winter Assizes, and the jury disagree, to send up another bill to the Grand Jury when the prisoner comes to be tried at the County Assizes?
§ THE ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR IRELAND (Mr. HOLMES) (Dublin University)It is a fact that I conducted the prosecution of the two Walkers at the Omagh Winter Assizes. Pressure of other business prevents my Colleague and myself attending at Belfast and Derry; but I have directed that one of the leading counsel of the circuit, who is intimately acquainted with that case, and with whom I have had two or three consultations, should assist the regular Crown Counsel. As to the third paragraph in the Question, the information at my disposal prevents me from accepting as accurate the report mentioned; and, while the case is still undecided, it would be obviously undesirable that I should make any statement. With regard to the hon. and learned Gentleman's latter Question, the matter was brought under my notice not at all in reference to this particular case, but to a large number of cases similarly circumstanced, in which the juries disagreed at the Winter Assizes; and I thought it right to advise that fresh bills should be sent up to the Grand Juries at the County Assizes, and that course has been taken in this case.
§ MR. T. M. HEALYIf the right hon. and learned Gentleman is of opinion that this is necessary, why was it not done at the Cork Assizes on this present occasion?
§ MR. HOLMESI can only say that in several cases my attention was directed to it, and I ordered the course mentioned to be taken. I can assure the hon. and learned Gentleman that it had no reference to this case.