§ MR. GOURLEY (Sunderland)asked the Undersecretary of State for Foreign Affairs, If he can now inform the House of the nature of the Despatch received from the Dominion Government suggesting a "modus vivendi" for a settlement of the Anglo-American Fisheries dispute, and when he anticipates that further Correspondence will be in the hands of Members; and, whether the prohibition of the sale of bait to United States fishermen in Newfoundland whilst permitted to French fishermen is in harmony with "the most favoured Nation" Clause of Foreign Treaties?
§ THE UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE (Sir JAMES FERGUSSON) (Manchester, N.E.)Her Majesty's Government will be desirous of informing the House of the course of negotiations with the Government of the United States upon the Fisheries dispute as soon as possible. I hope to lay on the Table the Despatch now being addressed to the United States Government before the Easter Recess. I hope the House will excuse me from entering upon the questions affecting the Newfoundland Fisheries in a fragmentary manner. Her Majesty's Government will be careful to observe their International obligations, while having duo regard to the interests of Her Majesty's subjects.