HC Deb 11 March 1887 vol 312 cc9-10
MR. SEXTON (Belfast, W.)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, "Whether there is any truth in the report that the Irish Government have it in contemplation to remove Colonel Forbes, R.M., and Mr. M'Carthy. R.M., from Belfast; whether, if so, the Government have consulted the Members of the Royal Commission on the Belfast Riots in reference to the matter: how long Colonel Forbes and Mr. M'Carthy have served in Belfast; have they satisfactorily discharged their duties; were they complimented by the Royal Commission, and did the Commission report that the stipendiary magistrates had discharged their duties "undoubtedly very well;" have they requested to be removed from Belfast; is the removal due to any complaint; and, if so, of what nature, and by whom made; whether it was established in evidence before the Royal Commission that certain Local Justices had set themselves to procure the removal of Colonel Forbes; and, whether, considering the recommendations of the Commission in regard to the Local Justices, the Government will take no step concerning Colonel Forbes and Mr. M'Carthy until the recommendations of the Commission can be dealt with as a whole?


(who replied) said: Colonel Forbes and Mr. M'Carthy, Resident Magistrates, have been informed that they are about to be transferred from Belfast. The Executive have taken this step on their own responsibility in view of the recommendations of the Belfast Commission, which include a strong suggestion that the Resident Magistrates in Belfast should be barristers. No slur is thereby cast on these two Resident Magistrates, and they have been so informed. Their duties in the past have been satisfactorily performed. One of them has served for over three years in Belfast, the other over four years. All Resident Magistrates are liable to transfer at the discretion of the Executive.