HC Deb 09 March 1887 vol 311 c1665

Considered in Committee.

MR. SEXTON (Belfast, W.)

Perhaps the hon. Member in charge of the Bill will be good enough to explain the nature of the present proceeding. When the Bill was read a second time it contained a clause providing for the release of a certain deposit. I understand that all the rest of the Bill, except that clause, has been abandoned. If that is so, and this proceeding is merely incidental to the release of the deposit, I shall have no objection to make to the Bill.

MR. HOWORTH (Salford, S.)

I believe that is so.

(In the Committee.)

Resolved, That it is expedient to authorize the repayment, subject to the provisions of section fourteen of "The Dublin Southern District Tramways Act, 1883," relating to compensation to landowners and other persons injured, and road authorities, and for protection of creditors, of the sum of One thousand one hundred and twenty-two pounds, twelve shillings, and sixpence. Consolidated Three Pounds per Centum Annuities, being the balance of the Deposit Fund in respect of the application for the said Act, and the interest or dividends thereon.

Resolution to be reported To-morrow.

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