HC Deb 07 March 1887 vol 311 c1383
MR. MUNDELLA (Sheffield, Brightside)

asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether his attention has been called to the letter of the Master of Balliol, which appears in The Times of the 3rd instant, urging the need of State assistance to Local Colleges in England and Wales; and, whether, having regard to the importance of, and urgent need for, higher technical and commercial education, as set forth in the Reports of the Royal Commission on Technical Education and Depression of Trade; Her Majesty's Government will intro duce, or facilitate the passing of, a measure authorizing Local Authorities to contribute towards the establishment and maintenance of Schools and Colleges adapted to the wants of their several localities, and will recommend to Parliament annual grants in aid of the same?


in reply, said, his attention had been called to the letter addressed to The Times by the distinguished gentleman to whom his right hon. Friend alluded, and who urged immediate State assistance to Local Colleges in England and Wales. He entirely agreed with his right hon. Friend as to the importance of the subject, and he might say that no one took a deeper interest in it than he did him self; but he must frankly state that, at the present moment, he was not in a position to introduce, or facilitate, the passing of a measure empowering Local Authorities to contribute towards the establishment and maintenance of Schools and Colleges adapted to the wants of their several localities. Nor was he in a position to recommend to Parliament annual grants in aid of the same. The question involved two points—one of local contributions, and the other of State grants. It was quite an open question whether Local Authorities should not be empowered to assist Colleges of this nature; but the question of State grants was a very large one. The attention of the Government was directed to it; but it was full of difficulty, looking to the immense expenditure which might be involved.