§ MR. G. W. BALFOUR (Leeds, Central)asked the Under Secretary of State for India, Whether it is a fact that a wall and fort have been built across the Jalep Pass, thereby preventing trade communication between Thibet and India; and, whether pressure has been brought to bear upon the Chinese Government by Her Majesty's Government to carry out Article 4 of the Convention made the 24th of July last, between Great Britain and China, relating to Burmah and Thibet, by which it is to be the duty of the Chinese Government to adopt measures to exhort and encourage the people of Thibet with a view to the promotion and extension of trade between India and Thibet; and, if so, what has resulted from such pressure?
§ THE UNDER SECRETAEY OF STATE (Sir JAMES FERGUSSON) (Manchester, N.E.)Some Thibetans are reported to have built a fort or gatehouse near the Jalep Pass with the view of blocking the road. Her Majesty's Government entertain no doubt that the Chinese Government will fulfil their engagements in regard to the encouragement of Indian trade with Thibet.