HC Deb 03 March 1887 vol 311 cc1070-1
MR. CONYBEARE (Cornwall, Camborne)

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether Messrs. Herbert, Brothers and Co., of Bethnal Green Road, E., contract with the Government to do a portion of their clothing; whether most of the work contracted for by that firm is sub-let to a middleman, who has to deposit a sum of £500 as security; whether this middleman again sub-lets the work to a second middleman, who also has to make a deposit as security; whether the work is then distributed amongst the "sweaters," who take the work home and get the work-people to work for low wages and during long hours; whether the places where the work is actually done are unhealthy "dens;" whether the work-hands are compelled to buy tea, coffee, and sugar on the premises under the penalty of a fine of 2s. 6d., or dismissal; whether the said firm employ a large number of foreign Jews on the premises, paying them at a lower rate of wages, on account of their ignorance of the English language; whether he will institute an inquiry; and, whether these circumstances constitute a violation of the Factory and Truck Acts?


The Chief Inspector of Factories has made inquiries into this matter, and he infomrs me that this firm have formerly-contracted for police clothing, but are now engaged in other work. None of the work is sub-let to middlemen, and no deposit of money is made; but recently, owing to want of space, some of the work has been given out to old workmen of the firm, who do the work themselves and employ their own workpeople. The work is done in the ordinary tailors' work-rooms and not in living rooms. Most of the employés are of the Jewish persuasion. The men work long hours; but the women work late only on Thursday, which, I believe, is the regular custom with the Jews. I know nothing of the rate of wages; but I am told that when work is plentiful a good wage is obtainable. The firm supply tea on the premises, which the work-people can purchase at their option. There is no fine or dismissal in the event of their refusing to do so. I do not propose to institute any further inquiry; for, as far as I can ascertain, there is no violation of the Factories or Truck Acts.