HC Deb 25 July 1887 vol 317 cc1876-7
SIR GEORGE CAMPBELL (Kirkcaldy, &c.)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether, in the present difficulties of Irish landlords, the Government can do anything to relieve them from the hardship of being compelled to serve as high sheriffs against their will, at a largo expense; whether, as a matter of fact, owing to general unwillingness to servo, the duty falls very hard on those loyal men who resist less than others; why Mr. H. C. Levinge, of Knockdrin Castle, County Westmeath, within a few months of two successive devolutions of the property, was, against his will, compelled to serve as high sheriff; why that gentleman was, in spite of his many protests, retained in office beyond the year, and obliged to pay the expenses for a year and a-half; and, whether the Lord Lieutenant will consider the equity and propriety of reimbursing him for at least the extra half-year?


(who replied) said: I quite agree, and the Government are also aware of the great hardship which exists in compelling persons to serve in the office of High Sheriff, which, though now practically an honorary one, entails considerable personal expense upon them personally. It is, however, probable that legislation dealing with the subject generally will be introduced at an early date. The duty does, at the present time, fall very hard on those who finally undertake to serve, and who do not press their refusal. I am not aware as to the devolution of property in Mr. Levinge's case, which, however, is, I understand, of considerable value; but he was, against his will, compelled to serve, and, owing to a difficulty in obtaining a successor to him, it was necessary for him to remain in office beyond the year. The Government, while fully sympathizing with Mr. Levinge in regard to the extra expense involved thereby, regret that there are no funds at their disposal oat of which he could be reimbursed.


Is it not contrary to custom to require any gentleman to serve more than one year?


Fortunately, such a case very seldom occurs; but, within my own knowledge, cases have occurred two or three times within the last two years.