HC Deb 21 July 1887 vol 317 c1595

NEW MEMBERS Swous—Arthur Frederick Jeffreys, esquire, for County of Hants (Northern or Basingstoke Division); Honble. George Godolphin Osborne, commonly called Marquess of Carmarthen, for Borough of Lambeth (Brixton Division); Henry Charles Stephens, esquire, for County of Middlesex (Hornsey Division).

SUPPLY—considered in CommitteePostponed Resolutions [July 19] agreed to.

Resolutions [July 20] reported.

PUBLIC BILLS—Committee—Irish Land Law [308]—R.P.; Incumbents' designation Act (1871) Amendment [323]—R.P.

Considered as amendedThird Reading—Public Libraries Acts Amendment (No. 2)*[331], and passed.

PROVISIONAL ORDER BILLS—Report—Local Government (No. 9)* [296]; Local Government (Ireland) (Dublin, &c.)* [312].