§ MR. R. PRESTON BRUCE (Fifeshire, W.)asked the Lord Advocate, Whether the amounts of the loans contracted by the District Boards of Lunacy, and secured on the county rates, are set forth in the Local Taxation Returns (Scotland); and, if so, under what heading; and, whether these loans are included in Table 7, on page 5, which purports to give a summary of local indebtedness?
§ THE LORD ADVOCATE (Mr. J. H. A. MACDONALD) (Edinburgh and St. Andrew's Universities)In reply to the hon. Member's Question, loans raised by District Lunacy Boards are not included in the Local Taxation Returns— simply the amount of interest and repayment of principal by Commissioners of Supply. This arises partly from the fact that by the Local Taxation Returns Act, 1881, it is provided that where any annual Return is now by law required to be made to the Secretary of State (now Secretary for Scotland), or any Public Department, the Act shall not render necessary any other Return. The accounts of the Lunacy Boards have not, accordingly, as yet been brought under the operation of the Local Taxation Returns. It is right to point out, however, that power is given in the above Act to the Secretary for Scotland to cause these Returns, if he thought desirable, to be made under that Act; and although the subject is one, for 1614 various reasons, not without difficulty, the Secretary for Scotland will be glad to consider whether a change should not be effected in the direction indicated by the hon. Member.