§ MR. W. J. CORBET (Wicklow, E.)asked the First Commissioner of Works, Whether he is aware that it is proposed to interfere with the right of the inhabitants of Balham and Tooting to the free use of Tooting Bee Common for the purposes of riding, as enjoyed from time immemorial; whether he is aware it is intended to expend a large amount of the ratepayers' money in making a fixed ride; and, whether he will take steps to 1152 prevent such interference with ancient public rights?
§ THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT (Mr. MATTHEWS) (Birmingham, E.)(who replied) said: That no recommendation had yet been made for any alteration of the by-laws regarding the free use of Tooting Bee Common for the purpose of horse-riding; but he understood that the Metropolitan Board of Works had now under consideration the expediency of submitting for approval a bye-law to some extent limiting the now unrestricted privileges of riding on the commons. He could assure the hon. Member that he would carefully consider all that was to be said for or against any such proposition before it left his hands.