HC Deb 18 July 1887 vol 317 cc1146-7
MR.MUNRO FERGUSON(for Mr. SUMMERS) (Huddersfield)

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether his attention has been called to the fact that, on the 29th of June, a meeting of the Minster branch of the Isle of Thanet Conservative Association was held in the Malt House, Minster; that a neighbouring innkeeper obtained an occasional licence for the Malt House, which licence, according to law, expired at 10 o'clock; that the "meeting" was what is called a "smoking concert," with drink; that, on a sergeant of police entering the meeting at half-past 10 and informing the chairman that no more drink could be sold, the chairman promptly left the chair, but that a local farmer invited those present to become his guests, and drink was then given away to the company, who remained to a very late hour; and, whether the police will be instructed to prosecute those concerned in such evasion of the law; and, if not, will he state on what grounds?


I have obtained a Report from the Chief Constable on this matter, from which it does not appear that after the sergeant entered the meeting a local farmer invited those present to become his guests, or that drink was given away to the company. The Superintendent of Police states that when he gave orders that no more drink should be sold a large number of gentlemen left the building; but about 30 remained till 12 o'clock. The Chief Constable informs me that a prosecution will be ordered by him as soon as he is in official possession of the facts of the case, and if he finds that an offence against the Licensing Acts has been committed.