HC Deb 18 July 1887 vol 317 c1149
MR. HOULDSWORTH (Manchester, N.W.)

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether the French flag is still flying in Badiboo territory on the bank of the British River Gambia, and whether French officers are exercising any jurisdiction there; and, whether any reply has been received from the French Government to representations made by Her Majesty's Government on the subject; and if it can be communicated to the House without detriment to the Public Service?


Her Majesty's Government were informed that the French flag was hoisted in May last; but no information has been received whether it is still flying. It is believed that no attempt has been made by French officers to exercise jurisdiction. Friendly communications have passed with the French Government on this subject. Both Governments are inquiring as to the facts; and in the present stage of the affair no Papers can be laid on the Table.