§ MR. W. A. MACDONALD (Queen's Co., Ossory)asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether his attention has been called to the following important Resolution passed by the Mountmellick Board of Guardians on the 25th June:—
That this Board, having considered the Report on nuisances stated to exist in Portarlington, and having evidence produced to prove the impossibility of carrying out any system of drainage while the bed of the River Barrow remains higher than the existing drains, earnestly press on the Executive the need of taking steps to have the Barrow drainage undertaken forthwith, before an outbreak of disease occurs in some of the towns affected by its present pestilential condition;''whether, in view of this Resolution, the works will be commenced at once; and, whether the £5,000 promised for this purpose will be spent on the actual 518 drainage of the river, instead of being swallowed up in a preliminary inquiry?
THE PARLIAMENTARY UNDER SECRETARY (Colonel KING-HARMAN)(who replied) (Kent, Isle of Thanet)said, this Resolution did not appear to have been received by the Irish Government; but they had received one from the Maryborough Guardians in somewhat similar terms, passed on the 11th June. There would be no unnecessary delay in commencing the works; and, as he had already stated, the £5,000 would be expended on the works, and the expenses of the preliminary inquiry in connection with the general scheme would be otherwise provided for.