§ SELECT COMMITTEE—First Report —Army and Navy Estimates [No. 216].
§ PUBLIC BILLS— ordered—First Reading—Qualification of Guardians of the Poor * [315].*
§ First Reading—Law of Evidence Amendment * [316].
§ Committee—Licensed Premises (Earlier Closing) (Scotland) [153]—R.P.
§ Committee—Report—Merchandise Marks Law Consolidation and Amendment (re-comm.) * [304].
§ Third Reading—Criminal Law Amendment (Ireland) [305], and passed,
§ Withdrawn—Copyright (Musical Compositions) * [195]; Public Worship Facilities* [292]; Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday * [41].
§ PROVISIONAL ORDER BILLS—Considered as amended—Public Health (Scotland) (Duntocher and Dalmuir Water) * [288].
§ Third Reading—Local Government (No. 7) * [282], and passed.