HC Deb 21 February 1887 vol 311 cc173-4
MR. CONYBEARE (Cornwall, Camborne)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether it is true, as stated in The Standard of the 18th instant, that— During last Spring fearful distress existed throughout the West of Kerry, and nowhere more than in Ballyferriter. Some of the tenants who are now about to he evicted were, in May last, in receipt of relief from the public charity, when it was shown that for months past they had been existing on seaweed. For years they have been obtaining food through credit from the Dingle shopkeepers, to whom they owe more money than they do to Lord Cork for rent. The shopkeepers were ultimately obliged to refuse further credit on account of their getting insolvent themselves with the Cork merchants. Lord Cork's rents are low as compared with the Poor Law valuation, but now there is not a tenant on the estate who can pay. The failure in the fishing industry has greatly tended to bring about this, for through fishing a large portion of the rents were paid; whether the rents on Lord Cork's estate are in any cases below the valuation; and, if so, in what proportion to the whole number of tenants; and, whether the Government will consider the special circumstances of the case?

MR. J. O'CONNOR (Kerry, S.)

Before the right hon. Gentleman answers the Question, I wish to ask him whether this Lord Cork is the same Earl of Cork and Orrery who is Master of the Buckhounds at a salary of—


Order, order! The Question which the hon. Member is now putting is one that has been refused on my authority.


I can only say, with reference to this quotation from The Standard, that I think it is, to some extent at least, unfounded; and in proof of that I may remind hon. Gentlemen that Dingle Union was not included in the list of unions in the West of Ireland to which special relief was given under the Act of the right hon. Gentleman (Mr. Gladstone) last year.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that application was made to have Dingle Union scheduled under the Act referred to?

[No reply.]