§ MR. PENROSE FITZGERALD (Cambridge)asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland, Whether he had received any statement as to the action attributed to Judge Curran which he could communicate to the House?
§ THE CHIEF SECRETARY (Sir MICHAEL HICKS-BEACH) (Bristol, W.)Yes, Sir; I have received a communication from Judge Curran on this subject, which, I assume, I may state to the House. The statement was made voluntarily, and not in reply to any question put by me. The learned Judge informs me that he never gave a decree for a reduced rent unless where the landlord or agent consented thereto in open Court, with one exception—that being the case of a landlord whom he accidentally met, and who informed him that he would like the Judge to fix a reduced amount to be paid, as he could not be present in Court himself. Except on this occasion, the Judge had never had any communication either with landlord or agent as to the amount of rent to be paid by tenants. Except when Sir Redvers Buller handed the Judge Father Quilter's letter, the Judge had no communication with Sir Redvers Buller, or any other official, as to rent.
§ MR. T. C. HARRINGTON (Dublin, Harbour)May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether Judge Curran has not himself said, in a letter published a few days ago, that he had been in communication on the subject of rent with Colonel Turner, private secretary to General Buller, and of the successor of the General at present in Kerry?
§ SIR MICHAEL HICKS-BEACHI have read to the House the precise words which Judge Curran used.