§ MR. J. ROWLANDS (Finsbury, E.)asked the First Lord of the Admiralty, What is the meaning of "Old and Unserviceable" in the following advertisement of a sale from The Times; whether the clothes, &c., proposed to be sold are all damaged, and the provisions are no longer fit for human beings—
Royal Victoria Victualling Yard,Deptford. Tuesday, March 1st.Old and Unserviceable Stores, including 8,300 lb. salt pork and beef, 2,040 lb. suet and cook's fat, 823 lb. candles and candle grease, 7,100 lb. biscuit and biscuit dust, 6,000 lb. flour, 2,500 lb. sugar and sugar sweepings, 2,200 gallons ale and stout, 452 bottles ditto, 162 bottles wine, 1,582 lb. raisins and currants, 1,800 lb. preserved soups, vegetables, &c., 1,271 lb. pickles, 1,672 great coats, 1,183 frocks and tunics, 565 pairs trousers, 1,532 haversacks, 1,098 pairs leggings, 929 yards cloth, duck flannel, serge, &c., 21 yards gold lace, 28 flushing jackets, 571 pairs boots and shoes, 224 pairs stockings, 518 shirts, 123 beds, 89 blankets, 120 tons iron and iron hooping, 66 iron, &c. tanks, a large quantity of seamen's and marine clothing, transport bedding, horse gear, hospital stores cooperage articles, and numerous other effects.
§ THE FIRST LORD (Lord GEORGE HAMILTON) (Middlesex, Ealing)The expression "Old and Unserviceable" is that generally used when advertising the sale of obsolete Government stores. There is an annual sale of victualling stores at Deptford, consisting mainly of the damaged stocks of this class of stores which have been returned to that yard from Her Majesty's ships serving in all 1087 parts of the world during the past year. No provisions which are "unfit for human food" are ever advertised for sale. Those advertised consist of provisions that have fallen below the standard established for Her Majesty's Service, and which it is not considered desirable to re-issue.
§ DR. TANNER (Cork Co., Mid.)With regard to these 162 bottles of wine, I wish to ask whether their being old would not render them rather more serviceable?
§ No reply.