HC Deb 30 August 1887 vol 320 c456
DR. TANNER (Cork Co., Mid)

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty, Whether H.M.S. Revenge has been ordered to join the Flying Squadron; whether the vessel has been lately overhauled and examined as to her seaworthiness; if not, what was the date of the last examination; when was her copper last cleansed; and, when and to where did she make her last sea voyage?

THE FIRST LORD (Lord GEORGE HAMILTON) (), Middlesex, Baling

in reply, said, that there was no longer a Flying Squadron, and that Her Majesty's ship Revenge had, therefore, not been ordered to join it. The Revenge was a stationary receiving ship, and had been utilized for that purpose for the last 12 years.


Is it a fact that when the copper of this ship was last cleansed two basketsful of oysters were taken from it?

[No reply.]