HC Deb 25 August 1887 vol 319 c1811
MR. A. M'ARTHUR (Leicester)

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether it is a fact that the religious services in Stamford were held in a square, and could not be regarded as obstructing any public thoroughfare?

MR. HENRY H. FOWLER (Wolverhampton, E.)

also asked the right hon. Gentleman, Whether he has come to any decision with respect to the persons now undergoing imprisonment in Leicester Gaol for obstructing the highway by holding religious rervices in the Market Square of Stamford on Sunday evenings?


The Salvation Army services in Stamford were held in a public square. The magistrates held that square to be a '' highway "within the Highway Act, and found, that it had, in fact, been obstructed. I see in the newspapers to-day that an appeal by way of special case has been lodged against this decision, and the defendants have, I understand, been liberated meanwhile. I have telegraphed to ask if this is the fact, but have not yet received a reply. If it is, pending such an appeal, I ought not to express any opinion on the point of law involved, or on the sentences.