HC Deb 16 August 1887 vol 319 c682
MR. P. J. O'BRIEN (Tipperary, N.)

asked the Postmaster General, Whether he has received a Memorial from the inhabitants of Templederry, County Tipperary, with reference to the great inconvenience they at present labour under owing to the defective postal arrangements for that neighbourhood since the withdrawal of the post office from the village; whether the letters for Templederry, under present arrangements, fail to be delivered at the hour appointed according to the Post Office Regulations; whether it is further contemplated to have the Templederry post delivered at Lattera, four miles away; and, whether he will have the public convenience provided for in accordance with the prayer of the Memorialists by the appointment of a rural messenger to meet the mail car from Nenagh and Templemore at Curabaha, and so have their letters delivered in due time to the inhabitants in, Templederry and district?

THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAIKES) (Cambridge University)

I beg to state that no change has been made in the position of the post office at Templederry since the appointment of the present sub-postmaster in 1885, and that I have received the Memorial from the inhabitants of Templederry to which he refers. I had already sanctioned a re-arrangement of the post by which Templederry is served, under which the desired improvement will be effected; and the altered post will commence so soon as a rural postman to perform the service between Latteragh and Templederry has been appointed.