HC Deb 16 August 1887 vol 319 c676
MR. PICKERSGILL (Bethnal Green, S.W.)

asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether it is true, as stated in the Press, that a Departmental Committee is pressing a scheme for the reorganization of the clerical establishment of the Admiralty, which appears to show an immediate saving of £10,000 a-year, and an ultimate saving of £25,000 a-year; how many similar re-organization schemes have taken effect at the Admiralty during the last 10 years; and, whether, before the new scheme is adopted, he will lay it upon the Table, in order that the House may have an opportunity of forming an opinion upon it?


(who replied) said: Inquiries are being made inside the Admiralty to ascertain the reductions advisable in the clerical staff. Two reductions, I am informed, have been made during the last 10 years in the Admiralty establishments. Any reductions made are carried out on the responsibility of the Parliamentary Heads of the Department, and the Government cannot undertake to delegate this portion of their duties to the House of Commons.