§ MR. HENRY H. FOWLER (Wolverhampton, E.)asked the Secretary to the Treasury, Whether the sum proposed to be voted on the Supplementary Estimates for allowances and expenses in respect of the Newfoundland Fishery Negotiations includes any claim which the late Government refused to sanction?
§ SIR HERBERT MAXWELL (A LORD of the TREASURY) (Wigtonshire)(who replied) said: The amount paid to Sir Clare Ford is £545 18s. 4d., which is the sum sanctioned by the late Government, with the addition of travelling expenses, as to which no question has arisen. The amount paid to Mr. Pennell is £3 92 9s. 6d. This is for the expenses of further negotiations conducted by Mr. Pennell during May and June of last year, and the payment is at the rate sanctioned by the late Government.
§ MR. HENRY H. FOWLERasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer, whether he was to understand that the decision of the late Government was to be reversed in a Supplementary Estimate?
§ THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER (Mr. GOSCHEN) (St. George's, Hanover Square)said, he was not personally acquainted with the details, and, perhaps, the right hon. Gentleman would repeat his Question when the Secretary to the Treasury was present.