§ SELECT COMMITTEES—Fifth Report—Army and Navy Estimates [No. 259]. Report—Town Holdings [No. 260].
§ SUPPLY—considered in Committee—Resolutions [August 4] reported.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—Ordered—First Reading—Technical Schools (Scotland) * [358].
§ First Reading—Copyhold Enfranchisement * [359].
§ Second Reading—Referred to Select Committee—Metropolitan Police* [321].
§ Select Committees—Municipal Regulation (Constabulary, &c.) (Belfast)* [291], nominated; Bankruptcy Courts (Ireland) * [121], nominated.
§ Considered as amended—Irish Land Law [355], debate adjourned.
§ Considered an amended—Third Reading—Trustee Savings Banks* [334]; Settled Land Act (1882) Amendment* [339]; Stannaries Act (1869) Amendment* [34 2], and passed.