HC Deb 04 August 1887 vol 318 cc1152-3
CAPTAIN COLOMB&c.) (Tower Hamlets, Bow,

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty, Whether the Royal Marine Forces on shore are under the Army Discipline Act; whether, in connection with Her Majesty's Jubilee, special favour has been extended to Army offenders against certain provisions of that Act; and, whether similar special favour has been extended to Marino offenders against the same provisions of the same Act?


the Royal Marine Forces, when serving on shore, are under the Army Discipline Act. In connection with Her Majesty's Jubilee, and in accordance with Her Majesty's Proclamation, pardon has been extended to soldiers who may have deserted from our Land Forces and shall report themselves within certain periods, and an amnesty was granted to certain classes of military offenders undergoing imprisonment on the 21st of June. This special favour has not been extended to Marine offenders against the same provisions of the same Act, as Marines, not being part of Her Majesty's Land Forces, do not come within the scope of the Proclamation or the amnesty; but in cases where Marines having offended against certain provisions of the Army Act surrendered under the impression that they wore entitled to pardon under the terms of the Royal Proclamation they have been specially pardoned, Men under imprisonment for absence without leave received remission of punishment.