HC Deb 02 August 1887 vol 318 c935

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If his attention has been drawn to the following Resolution, adopted at a public meeting of the in habitants of Ballymoney (North Antrim), on the motion of Mr. W. J. Cameron, seconded by Mr. William Thompson— That all occupiers of town parks, where the population does not exceed 5,000, as recommended by the Cowper Commission, should be empowered to enter the Land Court to have fair rents fixed, and that unless the Land Bill be amended to this effect gross injustice will be done to a large and industrious section of the community; and, whether, on Report, he will be prepared to accede to this request?


in reply, said, his attention had been called to the subject-matter of the Question. The hon. Gentleman was, perhaps, aware that the whole question had been discussed at length in the House, and subsequently divided upon; and it was not the intention of the Government to re-open the decision then arrived at.