HC Deb 02 August 1887 vol 318 c910

asked the Secretary to the Board of Trade, Whether it is a fact that the Government have appointed a Committee to look into the working of the Small Bankruptcy Clauses of the Bankruptcy Act of 1883; and, if so, whether there is any objection to laying the Report of such Committee upon the Table of the House; and, whether the Government at the same time can lay upon the Table any official information in regard to the working of the Act which abolished imprisonment for debt in Scotland?

THE SECRETARY (Baron HENRY DE WORMS) (Liverpool. East Toxteth)

I presume the right hon. Gentleman refers to a Committee which was appointed by the Lord Chancellor to consider the subject of Administration Orders under the 122nd section of the Bankruptcy Act, 1883; and, with his Lordship's concurrence, a copy of the Report of the Committee in question shall be laid on the Table if the right hon. Gentleman will move for it. As regards the latter part of the Question, the Board of trade will communicate with the Lord Advocate, with a view to obtaining more recent information than they already possess in regard to the working of the Act to which he refers.