HC Deb 01 August 1887 vol 318 c698

asked the Secretary to the Board of Trade, Whether, considering that the Schull and Skibbereen Tramway has ceased to work, owing to the default of the contractors both in the construction of the line and the supplying of locomotives, he will use the powers vested in him by the Act under which the line was constructed to compel the contractors to put the line in proper repair, and supply suitable locomotives?

THE SECRETARY (Baron HENRY DE WORMS) (Liverpool, East Toxteth)

The Board of Trade have no authority whatever over the contractors who constructed the Schull and Skibbereen Tramway, and they are, consequently, unable to compel those contractors to put the line in repair, and to supply suitable locomotives. I may, however, inform the hon. Member that it having been represented to the Board of Trade that the promoters had made default in the completion, working, or maintaining of the tramway, the Board of Trade, in exercise of the powers conferred upon them by Section 44 of the Order in Council, directed an inquiry, and, as the result of such inquiry, have issued an Order requiring the promoters to make good such default within four months from the 6th ultimo.