HC Deb 15 April 1887 vol 313 c996
MR. SEXTON (Belfast, W.)

asked the Secretary of State for War, with reference to the proposed alteration in the place of training of the 3rd Battalion Royal Irish Rifles from Newtownards to Donaghadee, Whether the inhabitants of Newtownards have petitioned against the change on the ground that it will cause distress and want among the wives and families of the men; and, on the other hand, that the inhabitants of Donaghadee are likewise opposed to the change, believing that it would very injuriously affect the interests of their town as a watering place; whether the Under Secretary gave it to be understood in March that the training this year would be in Newtownards as usual; and, whether, having regard to the bent of opinion on the subject, and the fact that a period of nearly three months has yet to elapse before the date fixed for the assembly of the regiment, he will rescind the order changing the place of training, and revert to the uniform practice of many years?

THE SECRETARY OF STATE (Mr. E. STANHOPE) (Lincolnshire, Horncastle)

I have to thank the hon. Member for his courtesy in twice postponing this Question until I obtained the requisite information. The change from Newtownards to Donaghadee was arranged by the military authorities upon grounds of military convenience. I have, however, received strong representations upon the subject; and, having given full consideration to the local wishes which have been expressed, and to the long period of time during which the present practice has prevailed, I am willing to allow the annual training to take place this year at Newtownards as usual. But I must add this warning— that unless some step is taken, without delay, to provide a better camping ground at Newtownards, it will become absolutely necessary to transfer the annual training to another place. "