HC Deb 14 April 1887 vol 313 cc876-7
SIR GEOEGE CAMPBELL (Kirkcaldy, &c.)

asked Mr. Attorney General for Ireland, What is the meaning of the term "made amenable" in the Irish Criminal Returns; whether persons arrested by the police and dismissed without trial for want of proof are entered as "made amenable; "and, whether the Government will consider the advisability of discontinuing this term, and showing, 1. Persons apprehended or summoned but not tried; Persons tried but not convicted; and Persons convicted?


In answer to a Question put to me by an hon. Member on a former occasion, I stated that I always considered the term "made amenable" to refer to persons who have been returned for trial, and that it did not include persons brought before magistrates who were dismissed because there was not sufficient evidence. Since then I have had an opportunity of speaking to the Inspector General, who is responsible for these Returns; and I found that my answer was substantially correct, except that, in addition to what I said, the Returns include those persons against whom informations have been laid in the first instance and subsequently withdrawn by the persons who laid them, the parties in consequence not being returned for trial. I feel the desirability of making some alteration in the arrangement of these Returns; and when I have an opportunity of speaking to the officials who have charge of the matter, I will call their attention to the recommendations of the hon. Member with a view to their adoption.

MR. SEXTON (Belfast, W.)

I would like to ask the right hon. and learned Gentleman, whether the Returns pre- sented some years ago under the term "made amenable" did not include persons who were arrested and returned for trial by the magistrates, persons against whom no bill was found by the Grand Jury, and persons against whom a nolle prosequi was entered by the Crown?


said, he was not aware of that. His answer was confined to the Returns at present before the House.


Does the right hon. and learned Gentleman know whether there has been any change in the system of classification?


No, Sir. There has been no change, since I came into Office, in the system of classification.