HC Deb 05 April 1887 vol 313 c602

Motion made, and Question proposed, That a Select Committee be appointed to examine into the Army and Navy Estimates, and to report their observations thereon to the House."—(Mr. William Henry Smith.)

MR. T. M. HEALY (Longford, N.)

I did not block this Notice; because I never expected that the Government would have, I will not say the audacity, but the hardihood to propose a Motion of this kind—

THE FIRST LORD or THE TREA-SURY (Mr. W. H. SMITH) (Strand, Westminster)

Propose the adjournment.


I beg to move the adjournment of the debate.

Motion made, and Question, "That the Debate be now adjourned,"—(Mr. T. M. Healy,)—put, and agreed to.

Debate adjourned till Tuesday next.