HC Deb 01 April 1887 vol 313 c225
MR. FINUCANE (Limerick, E.)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether Sub-Constable Dorney, of Kilteely, County Limerick, refused to aid in the arrest of the Reverend Matthew Eyan, on last Monday; whether the reason given for his refusal was that he would never aid in the unjust arrest of a Roman Catholic priest; whether, in consequence of his refusal, he has been arrested; whether the Police Regulations enable any member of the Force to resign at any time; and, whether the refusal of the Sub-Constable to act was a virtual, if not an actual, resignation; and, if so, by whose authority was the arrest effected?


I am informed that Dorney did refuse to aid in the execution of a warrant for the arrest of the Rev. Mr. Ryan, giving as his reason that he had a conscientious objection to do so. The constable has not been placed under arrest; but he has been dismissed. He was of indifferent character, and has been for some time under warning for dismissal for drunkenness. It is not a fact that the Police Regulations enable any member of the Force to resign at any time. A month's notice is required, though not always insisted on.