§ MR. BIGGAR (Cavan, W.)asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, "Whether, on the 14th March, at Bannboy, after the usual weekly meeting of the Board had separated, a number of members constituted themselves a Board without the usual notice, the chair having been taken by a Guardian who was neither Chairman, Deputy Chairman, nor Deputy Vice Chairman; whether the meeting of Guardians so constituted signed a cheque for £8 to assist one Gillooly to emigrate; and, whether, if the facts are as stated, the parties who signed the cheque will be made responsible by the Local Government Board?
§ THE CHIEF SECRETARY (Mr. A. J. BALFOUR) (Manchester, E.)I am informed that the cheque referred to was duly signed by two Guardians during the regular sitting of the Board; but that after the meeting had been dissolved it was discovered that the Chairman had omitted to sign it. It was under these circumstances that the meeting was reconstituted for the purpose of completing the transaction. The proceeding was certainly informal, but the Local Government Board do not think it necessary to take any action in the matter. If the legality of the payment is questioned by any persons affected, they may bring the subject under the notice of the Auditor of Union Accounts.