§ MR. CLANCY (Dublin Co., N.)asked the Postmaster General, If sub-postmasters and letter-receivers in Ireland have yet received their salaries for their services in connection with the Parcels Post for the months of May, June, July, and August; whether it is a fact that they were not paid the amount due to them for Money Order and Post Office Savings Bank business 1259 for the quarter ending 30th June till the end of August; and, whether the postal authorities some time ago averaged the amount earned on the sale of stamps, and have since made the average a fixed salary; and, if so, whether they will consider the advisability of adopting that plan of payment in regard to the Parcels Post, the Money Order, and the Savings Bank Departments of the Post Office, or of adopting some other means by which officials in the Post Office would be paid their salaries more promptly than at present?
§ THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAIKES) (Cambridge University)said, that in May last, when the Parcel Rates were revised, certain changes in the method of payment to the persons referred to became necessary, involving revised calculations at 16,600 offices. The matter was being proceeded with as quickly as possible, and no unavoidable delay had occurred. He had not had time to examine the remaining portion of the hon. Member's Question.