§ SIR SAMUEL WILSON(for Lord HENEY BRUCE) (Wilts, Chippenham)asked the Postmaster General, Whether it is a fact that the German and French Governments, with such small interests, so manage for their subjects that letters from those Countries to our Australian Colonies only cost 2½d. postage, whilst from England the charge is 6d.; and, whether it is also the case that the Germans and French can send a postcard out for 1d., whereas none at any price are issued in England for despatch to Australia?
§ THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAIKES) (Cambridge University)I am in a position to assure the hon. Baronet it is not the case that letters can be sent from France and Germany to the Australian Colonies for a postage of 2½d. The charge is 60 centimes in France and 60 pfennigs in Germany, sums which are respectively about equivalent to 6d. and 7d. British. Post-cards cannot be sent to the Colonies in question either from France or from Germaay.