§ MR. DILLON (Mayo, E.)asked the Postmaster General, Whether Charlestown, county Mayo, has applied for telegraphic communication; whether, in re- 775 gard to population and to trade, it is a much, more important town than many to which the telegraph has been extended; and, whether he will favourably consider the claims of Charlestown?
§ THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAIKES) (Cambridge University)It is the fact that an application has been received for the extension of telegraphic communication to Charlestown, County Mayo. The applicants were informed, in November, 1883, that as the amount of telegraph business which it was estimated would be dealt with at the proposed office would not be sufficient to meet the working expenses, a guarantee would, as in other similar cases, be required. In April, 1884, an undertaking was given by certain of the inhabitants to provide the guarantee, and the necessary deed was forwarded for signature; but up to the present time it has not been returned, though applications were made on three separate occasions, and consequently the extension has not been made. As it is estimated that an extension of the telegraph system to Charlestown would not be remunerative, I regret that I am precluded from carrying out the extension except under a guarantee.