§ MR. WATT (Glasgow, Camlachie)asked the Postmaster General, If he is aware of the high per centage obtainable at present by private underwriters for the insurance of registered letters containing scrip or other valuable enclosures; and, if he will institute in- 603 quiries so as to enable him to consider as to the advisability of the Government undertaking what, at the nominal rate of one penny per cent, ought to prove a lucrative source of revenue?
§ THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAIKES) (Cambridge University)The subject to which the hon. Member refers is one of considerable interest and deserves very careful consideration. I find that it received the attention of one of my Predecessors some time ago, but that he came to the conclusion that the Department ought not to undertake insurance of letters and parcels for sums exceeding £10; and the scheme for insuring to that amount was introduced on the 1st of May last. I shall, however, be happy to consider it further.