HC Deb 10 September 1886 vol 309 c7
MR. SEXTON (Belfast, W., and Sligo, S.)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether the Telegraph Clerks in Belfast are obliged to work without pay on certain Sundays; whether they are paid for overtime at the same rate only as for ordinary duty; and, what is the length of their annual holiday, and whether any representations have been made that it is not sufficient for the preservation of health?

THE POSTMASTER GENERAL (Mr. RAIKES) (Cambridge University)

In reply to the hon. Member, I have to state that the telegraphists at Belfast are not obliged to work without pay on any Sunday. The scale of wages was fixed in 1881 to cover an average of two hours' work on Sundays. All work in excess of such average of two hours is specially paid for as overtime. Payment for overtime is at the same rate as for ordinary duty for the first three hours on a single occasion; but 25 per cent is added for overtime in excess of that period. The length of annual holiday allowed to the telegraphists at Belfast varies from a fortnight to three weeks, according to their position and duties, as at other Provincial offices It is not at all unusual for persons who wish for a little longer holiday to make representations of the character of those to which the hon. Member alludes, and such a one has been received from Belfast. I am considering the subject, and at the proper time shall announce the decision.


May I ask if the regulations in force in Belfast are different from those in other towns?


I understand they are the same.