§ MR. C. B. LEWIS (Londonderry)asked Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Whether, considering the importance of the Vote for the Royal Irish Constabulary, the Government would undertake that it should come on at a reasonable hour of the evening, or at the commencement of a Sitting?
§ THE CHANCELLOE OF THE EXCHEQUER (Lord RANDOLPH CHURCHILL) (Paddington, S.)said, that the Government agreed with the hon. Member as to the importance of the Royal Irish Constabulary Vote, and thought that the Vote ought to be taken at a time which would be convenient to the House; and, therefore, they would undertake that it should come on at the commencement of a Sitting; but as to the other Votes they were desirous of proceeding with the Estimates, as far as possible, in the order in which they had been placed before the House.
§ MR. C. E. LEWISsaid, that in consequence of the answer he would not that evening proceed with his Motion for an official inquiry into the conduct of the magistrates and police in Derry.