§ MR. PICKERSGILL (Bethnal Green, S.W.)asked the President of the Local Government Board, Whether his attention has been called to a Resolution, unanimously adopted at a recent Conference of Guardians, that—
The Metropolitan Unions are inadequately represented on the Asylums Board, and that fuller and more satisfactory accounts should be published by the Board of its receipts and payments;and, whether he proposes to take any steps to give effect to this Resolution?
§ THE PRESIDENT (MR. RITCHIE) (Tower Hamlets, St. George's)With regard to the representation of the Metropolitan Union on the Asylums Board, an order was issued last week increasing the number of elected managers by nine. Information as to the expenditure of the Asylums Board is already 1753 furnished by the managers to the Guardians; and, prior to each half-yearly audit, the ledger accounts of the managers are open to the inspection of any ratepayer or owner of property in the Metropolis. If any suggestion specifying precisely what additional accounts are desired is submitted to me on behalf of the Conference alluded to, it will receive my consideration.