HC Deb 14 May 1886 vol 305 c1144

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Select Committee on the Kitchen and Refreshment Rooms do consist of Nineteen Members."—(The Secretary to the Treasury, Mr. Arnold Morley.)


I do not rise to object to the appointment of this Committee. The appointment of this Committee is a very delicate matter, and I know that it has been very carefully considered by the hon. Gentleman (Mr. Arnold Morley). At the same time, I wish to say that it does seem to me that 19 Members is a very large Committee to deal satisfactorily with the questions which will come before them. I hope the hon. Member will not consider the appointment of such a large number a precedent. This is a Committee appointed annually; and I trust that if the hon. Gentleman has the duty of proposing the Committee next year he will not think it necessary to nominate 19 Members because such a number was chosen this year.

Motion agreed to.

Ordered, That Mr. A. H. ACLAND, Mr. BIGGAR, Mr. THOMAS HENKY BOLTON, Baron DIMSDALE, General GOLDSWORTHY, and Mr. JOHN REDMOND be added to the Committee.—(Mr. Arnold Morley.)

House adjourned at Two o'clock till Monday next.