§ MR. J. G. HUBBARD (London)asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether, seeing the mass of interesting and valuable information furnished by Her Majesty's officers abroad, hitherto hidden in Blue Books published in uniform covers stamped "Commercial," but giving no other clue to their contents, he will require these Consular Reports to be adapted for use and reference by being issued in covers exhibiting the names of the Countries treated of, and giving the dates of the preceding Reports upon the same Countries respectively?
§ THE UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE (Mr. BRYCE) (Aberdeen, S.)The whole question of the form of publication of commercial and other Reports from Her Majesty's Representatives abroad is at present engaging the attention of the Secretary of State. The suggestion of my right hon. Friend seems a valuable one, and shall receive the fullest consideration; but, pending the decision to be taken in the various questions involved, I trust he will not expect a more explicit declaration.