§ MR. DAVID SMITH (Brighton)asked the Secretary to the Treasury, Whether there will be any objection to publish periodically a list of persons and firms who have registered telegraphic addresses at the General Post Office, together with the names or words thus registered, so as to save the public from the difficulty they at present find in ascertaining whether persons with whom they wish to communicate by telegraph have or have not a telegraphic address?
§ THE SECRETARY TO THE TREASURY (Mr. HENRY H. FOWLER) (Wolverhampton, E.)There are, the Postmaster General tells me, several objections to the official publication of a list of registered telegraphic addresses, the chief among them being that inconvenience to the public would arise from messages being addressed to names which, although appearing in a periodical list, had ceased to be registered. Numerous alterations, I should explain, take place in the register every day, some names being altered and others withdrawn. I 1638 may add that certain persons strongly object to the publication of their registered addresses.