§ DR. TANNER (Cork, Co., Mid)asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether it is a fact that two sub-constables of the Royal Irish Constabulary are employed as caretakers upon the farm from which Daniel Cronin, of Faha, in the parish of Inniscarra, county of Cork, was evicted upon the 29th of January last; and, if the policemen are not fulfilling the said function, in what capacity are they dwelling upon the farm; whether there are many similar instances of constabulary being so employed in the county of Cork; and, whether he will bring about the withdrawal of all public officers sub-serving such functions?
§ THE CHIEF SECRETARY (Mr. JOHN MORLEY) (Newcastle-on-Tyne)No. The two constables referred to were not employed as caretakers, but in affording protection to caretakers. There were no police in Cork employed as caretakers.
§ DR. TANNERinquired in what capacity the constables were employed if not as caretakers, there being no crime in the district?
§ MR. JOHN MORLEYI suppose the caretakers consider they stand in need of protection; whether they are really so or not I cannot say. It is a matter for the local authority.