HC Deb 04 March 1886 vol 302 cc1896-7

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, with reference to the Bill entitled "Compensation for Damages," Whether it is a fact that, in practice, and contrary to the clear intention of the Legislature, compensation is not recoverable in cases of ordinary riot; and, whether ho would take into consideration the existing Law, which is in a very unsatisfactory state, being regulated by an old Statute of George 4, in itself indefinite in terms, and, instead of dealing with the subject by piecemeal legislation, introduce a measure of general application to the whole community?


I am glad that the right hon. Baronet has addressed this Question to me, because recent events have impressed me very strongly with the fact that the law as to compensation for damage done by rioting as it now stands is in an unsatisfactory and uncertain state. Though I consider it best that present needs should be promptly satisfied by a measure such as Has been introduced, I am quite prepared to consult with the Law Officers of the Crown as to the advisability of introducing a larger measure of general application, as the right hon. Baronet suggests.