HC Deb 02 March 1886 vol 302 c1755

asked the Vice President of the Committee of Council, If he will consider the desirability of granting State aid in support of technical education?


Perhaps I can best answer the Question of the hon. Member for Mid Derbyshire by reading a short extract from the Report of the Royal Commission on Technical Education, page 515— In the United Kingdom one-half the cost of elementary education is defrayed out of Imperial funds, and the instruction of artizans in Science and Art is almost entirely borne by the State. Hence it will be necessary to look in the main to local resources for any large addition to the funds required for the further development of technical instruction in this country. I quite agree with that opinion. If the hon. Member will refer to page 12 of the last Report of the Charity Commissioners, he will find that it is intended to make the educational endowments of the country more applicable to the promotion of technical education, and I hope this subject will receive the attention of the Select Committee lately appointed.