§ MR. MACFARLANE (Argyll)asked the Lord Advocate, If he has commu- 59 nicated with the Sheriffs of Argyllshire with reference to an increase of the number of polling stations in that county, and especially as to the desirability of having one allotted to the Islands of Tiree and Coll, so as to save the voters the necessity of crossing over 20 miles of sea to record their votes; and, what reply (if any) he has received from the Sheriff?
THE LORD ADVOCATE (MR. J. B. BALFOUR)&c) (Clackmannan,, in reply, said, he had communicated with the Sheriff of Argyllshire on this matter, and had also had a personal interview with him. The Sheriff informed him that it would be, in his judgment, impossible to have a polling station at Tiree or Coll for the money which would be allowed under the Returning Officers' Bill, if it became law; and, further, if there were a polling station at either of these Islands, it was not unlikely that the Presiding Officer would not be able to get there, or, if he got there, that he would be able to get back, and the result might be that the election would be stopped, causing great expense. The voters, he believed, preferred going to Tobermory, which they could reach by steamer.
§ MR. MACFARLANEasked, whether it was not the fact that Petitions were sent to the Sheriff last year from both these Islands praying for one joint polling place? He should like to know by what steamer the inhabitants of Coll could go to Tobermory?
§ THE LORD ADVOCATEpointed out that the Petitions in question were presented when his Predecessors were in Office, and they had not been renewed this year. He had no personal knowledge concerning the steamer communication.