§ MR. BRADLAUGH (Northampton)asked the President of the Board of Trade, What steps have been taken by 1703 the Government to give effect to the Resolution of the House of March 3rd, directing that immediate steps should be taken to insure in this Country the full and accurate collection and publication of Labour Statistics?
§ THE SECRETARY TO THE BOARD (Mr. C. T. D. ACLAND) (Cornwall, Launceston)(who replied) said: Since the Resolution of the House in March last, the Board of Trade have arranged with the Treasury the necessary establishment for giving effect to it, and they trust before long to make a considerable progress in the collection and publication of labour statistics. Immediately on the passing of the Resolution, the existing staff of the Statistical Department of the Board of Trade directed their attention to the collection of some important information with regard to this question, and with the additional assistance now obtained the business will be pushed forward as energetically as possible.