§ MR. BEACH (Hants, Andover)asked the President of the Board of Trade, Whether it is true that a patent has been granted to one particular firm for supplying ensilage appliances, and that, under the terms of this patent, no other firm is allowed to sell wire-rope or flexible cord of any kind for the purpose?
THE SECRETARY (Mr. C. T. D. ACLAND)(who replied) (Cornwall, Launceston)said: I am not sure as to what 832 is the patent to which the hon. Member refers. A patent was granted in 1885 for the use in the compression of crops for ensilage of a wire rope or ropes, or equivalent strong or flexible bands, and the terms of the patent in question were in accordance with the provisions of the Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks Act, 1883. But it is impossible for the Board of Trade to answer Questions in the House as to the validity of this or any other claims of patentees.